Waterless Carwash

by Unknown , at 11:45 AM , has 0 comments
La Corte Costituzionale considera illeggittima la norma sui siti
La Corte Costituzionale considera illeggittima la norma sui siti

As large parts of the American West continue to experience drought, waterless car washes have been catching on. A new company in Austin, Tex., called WaterSmart, for example, washes cars with a coconut-based soap, according to an article in The Austin Turtle Wax’s brand new Waterless Wash gives drivers the freedom to safely and conveniently clean, polish and protect their car at any time, any place, without using even one drop of water. The fast acting formula produces an instant shine to paintwork The Team program is putting on an environmentally sustainable, waterless car wash on Saturday the 26th. It will be using a biodegradable, environmentally friendly product on the cars, to help save water, because of the draught. All the money will be Thanks to a group of young entrepreneurs, the ‘waterless’ car-wash service has been introduced in the city, and that too at your doorstep. Prowash India is the first ever service-provider of its kind, claim the founders of the company. “The idea was To the list of marketing oxymorons -- the sunless tan, cheeseless pizza, soap-free detergent -- add this: the no-water carwash. Lisa and Jeff Peri have been peddling Green Earth Waterless Car Wash for only five months but already have gotten some traction Motorfair, the annual Scottish Motor Show, took place over the last weekend at a very warm and sunny Knockhill Racing Circuit in Fife. Tens of thousands of people arrived at the circuit over the two Motorfair days. TheWash.biz – The Professional .

Water is precious in Jordan, where shortages have prompted decades of rationing and exacerbated tensions with Israel. Nader Atmeh and his sons, Hassan and Moutaz, want to do their part by eliminating the traditional car wash in the Middle East. They say When my husband and I realized we couldn’t afford to trade in our old gas-guzzler for a hybrid, we figured the old car could feel like new again if we actually cleaned it. Lucky Earth is a range of car cleaning products that are non toxic, bio-degradable A spokeswoman for the Zone 7 Water Agency, which covers Pleasanton, Livermore and Dublin, had to have the term "waterless carwash" explained to her three times and said no one at Zone 7 had anything to say about it. Marty Grimes, spokesman for the Santa The summer is a good time to use a bucket of water with soap to drench your ride in a nice bath, or failing that, giving it some TLC after you’ve gone to the car wash. Waterless car washes are now becoming more common as alternatives, but what happens .


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Pearl Innovation In Waterless Car Wash Technology #waterless #


Pearl Waterless Cleaning Motorcycle http://pearlwaterlessinternational
Pearl Waterless Cleaning Motorcycle http://pearlwaterlessinternational
Waterless Carwash
Waterless Carwash - written by Unknown , published at 11:45 AM, categorized as carwash , waterless . And has 0 comments
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