fun seat for on-the-go!
Green seems to be everyone’s favorite color now-a-days. Hybrid cars are more popular than ever, and people are starting to talk seriously about fully-electric vehicles. Along with this “energy crisis,” people are starting to buy more of their We noted back in March that a new auto repair shop was opening where Walt’s used to be on 45th St, across from the Taco Time. We’re getting a few reviews, so we thought we’d share. Amy writes: Green Care Auto Repair ( Use these green car care tip so your car can go green. You might not be able to buy a Hybrid vehicle yet, but there are some simple car maintenance and driving tips you can use to make sure your car in environmentally friendly. It's easy to go green. An injured Professor Green is being looked after by his fiancée MillIe Mackintosh after being hit by a car. The London rapper, real name Stephen Manderson, who posted two photos of his Instagram page receiving medical attention on the roadside on Friday April 16, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- When serious engine trouble hits, the non-profit Car Care Council reminds vehicle owners that repowering their current vehicle rather than buying a new one is the cost-effective, "green" way to go. "When it comes Yes, there's the green thing too--but it's far from the only motivation. We'd like to see more data on Tesla Model S buyers as the car spreads beyond its Silicon Valley stronghold. Meanwhile, Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk underscored the point yesterday .
The Un-Car The ultimate green car upgrade might be no car at all (or at least Gas, insurance, and air fresheners are already taken care of. Ryan Ferrero, CEO and founder of Colorado-based Green Garage is looking at expanding, with new locations and products. Here, we look at how Ferrero built the company in conjunction with an ad agency whose creative role transcended communications and "Personally I don't really care what Elon and Carlos and Jonathan have to say about The comments underscore just how big the stakes are in the race to take the lead in the next generation green car. While Toyota is investing heavily in fuel cells BETHESDA, MD - August 30, 2010: Being green doesn't have to mean you have to spend a lot of green. According to the Car Care Council, by properly maintaining your vehicle's fuel system, you will not only improve the performance of your vehicle, but lower .
Another Picture of green car care :
Via Green Auto Lube
you'll be making sure your car is running the most efficiently it can
care and understanding as they would throw liter from a car window